
Monday, October 25, 2010

Falling off the Wagon

Everyone "falls off the wagon" and I definitely did this past summer/these past few months.  I started only practicing yoga (which is amazing for my spirituality and strength) but it resulted in a huge decrease in cardio, which is essential for burning fat.  I also have been eating way more calories than I need.  So I'm writing this post to help me get the f*** back on the weight loss/healthy/exercise wagon.

I'm going back to eating high-protein mini-meals.  This worked fabulously for me so why I ever decided to stop is ludicrous (will definitely post this regime in the near future).  I like having a plan.  Which brings me to working out, my work out schedule will start looking more like this (when I start my job there will be changes):

*MILL = treadmill

Monday- 45 min-1hr of cardio (predominantly running on the MILL)

Tuesday- 30 min speed interval MILL run + night yoga class

Wednesday- Kristen's intense yoga class + easy 20/30 min MILL (this will turn into a cardio+strength training day once i start working, which sucks because i'm obsessed with Kristen's class)

Thursday- same as monday (cardio day)

Friday- 30 min cardio + total body strength training

Saturday- either Loryn's EXTREMELY TOUGH 8 am yoga class OR cardio day

Sunday- active recovery- do a short/easy yoga podcast/walk on the MILL for a little

Since I haven't strength trained in awhile (even though yoga really is strength training in my book) I'm going to start with one day per week (Fri) to get back into it, and then when I become a real person in 3 weeks, I'll up it to 2 days (Wed and Fri).

It really helps to write out a plan for yourself, which is why I'm posting this.  Now I have a tentative eating and work out plan scheduled out for me which I can change at any time!  I also would like to post about treats (aka alcohol) but for now this is a good start to my climb back onto the wagon.

Not to contradict everything I just said buttttt can't wait to PARTY for halloween this weekend!!!!

Party Girl